Saturday, September 20, 2014

Week 38

September 14, 2014
My wall is a reflection of my travels & lights reflecting in a display stove at a hardware store

September 15, 2014
Reflections in the bathroom & Reflective hardware on my bathroom mirror

September 16, 2014
Reflecting on a new twist to one of my regular hairstyles & Reflections in a pinwheel 

September 17, 2014
This tuktuk is a definite reflection of where I am living & A tree reflected in the lake at the park

September 18, 2014
Traffic reflections & Reflections in my stairwell mirror

September 19, 2014
Tuktuk reflected in a car while waiting for the lights & Reflections at my mom's house

September 20, 2014
 Kitchen window reflections on marble counter tops & Lights reflected on the concrete floor of a store

Week 37

September 7, 2014
Reflection of my apartment in the balcony windows & Dexter reflected in the base of a chair

September 8, 2014
Wet traffic reflections & clouds reflected in the post office window

September 9, 2014
Reflection at a display, why not a tiger? & Reflections off the hood of my car

September 10, 2014
Wet sidewalk at school reflecting the notice for trivia night & Flowers in my bathroom mirror

September 11, 2014
Reflection in a tuktuk & More window reflections in Taylor

September 12, 2014
(Fake) candle light reflection in my living room & In a convex store mirror in Round Rock

September 13, 2014
A wet walk in Delhi & Trees reflected in a puddle in the back yard

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Week 36

August 31, 2014: Laugh
Sometimes there is nothing you can do but laugh about the traffic in Delhi & Selfie laughing at a text I received

New theme for the month of September is reflection

September 1, 2014
At the Dastkar Nature Bazaar & A reflection of my kitchen windows

September 2, 2014
Traffic reflections in the rainwater & Side mirror reflecting the reflection on the jeep window (do I get credit for two days with this one?)

September 3, 2014
On the side of the road & A building reflected in windows in Taylor

September 4, 2014
Tuktuk driver in the mirror & Sunset

September 5, 2014
Tuktuk wheels in the water & Kitchen lights in the window and cabinet doors

September 6, 2014
 Having lunch with my Peace Corps site mate! & The Texas Capital in a downtown window

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Week 35

August 24, 2014: Run
Running to make a sale as the light changes in Delhi & A friend's son running after dinner

August 25, 2014: Watch
Watching the tire be fixed in Delhi & Serena watches out the window

August 26, 2014: Make
Making small metal insects & Making tortillas at a restaurant in Cedar Park

August 27, 2014: Cut
Cutting the grass on the side of the road with shears & Cutting meat for dinner

August 28, 2014: Light
How can seeing people selling balloons not lighten your day? & The city lights the trees lining Congress Ave in Austin

August 29, 2014: Talk
Taking a break to talk & Cole talking on the phone

August 30, 2014: Mix
Mixing colors for a display at the Dastkar Nature Bazaar in Delhi & Cole mixes salad for dinner