October 12, 2014: L is for...
Lights for Diwali in the neighborhood & Lights on an outdoor patio
October 13, 2014: M is for...
Monkey God: Hanuman & Massage chair - enough said
October 14, 2014: N is for
Netting on the site where they are constructing a new metro station & Nested origami flowers
October 15, 2014: O is for
Octopus in a mural on my ride to school & Open flame on a candle
October 16, 2014: P is for
Push cart of fruit & Patchwork wood over a doorway on an abandoned house
October 17, 2014: Q is for
Qatar embassy & Quirky Dragons help kids bowl
October 18, 2014: R is for
Refrigerated cold water for sale & Rabbit figurine
Lights for Diwali in the neighborhood & Lights on an outdoor patio
Monkey God: Hanuman & Massage chair - enough said
Netting on the site where they are constructing a new metro station & Nested origami flowers
Octopus in a mural on my ride to school & Open flame on a candle
Push cart of fruit & Patchwork wood over a doorway on an abandoned house
Qatar embassy & Quirky Dragons help kids bowl
Refrigerated cold water for sale & Rabbit figurine