October 26, 2014: Z is for
Zebra crossing, otherwise known a pedestrian crossing & Zebra batik
October 27, 2014: One...
One guy on a bicycle, braving traffic & One cat on the stairs
October 28, 2014: Two...
Two guys on a motorcycle & Two shadow boxes with Turkish Textiles
October 29, 2014: Three..
Three pineapple jack-o-lanterns & Three tassels on a wall hanging
October 30, 2014: Four...
Four parasols decorating a friend's apartment & four colorful bottles at a restaurant
October 31, 2014: Five...
Five Halloween cupcakes & Five windows
New theme for the month of November is Adjectives
November 1, 2014: Fun
Elementary students having fun at Fall Fiesta & Having fun on a helicopter tour of New Orleans
Zebra crossing, otherwise known a pedestrian crossing & Zebra batik
One guy on a bicycle, braving traffic & One cat on the stairs
Two guys on a motorcycle & Two shadow boxes with Turkish Textiles
Three pineapple jack-o-lanterns & Three tassels on a wall hanging
Four parasols decorating a friend's apartment & four colorful bottles at a restaurant
Five Halloween cupcakes & Five windows
November 1, 2014: Fun
Elementary students having fun at Fall Fiesta & Having fun on a helicopter tour of New Orleans