Saturday, May 3, 2014

Week 17

April 20, 2014
A small shrine outside in Chambal, India & A random lily blooming in our yard in Taylor

April 21, 2014
It wouldn't be Easter without jello eggs (okay a day late, but I was traveling...) & Inside a solar yard light in Taylor

April 22, 2014
Turkish memory, Nazar Bucuk on toothpicks, at home in Delhi & Blossoms on our Chinaberry Tree in Taylor

April 23, 2014
Fun with colors, markers at home in Delhi & Roses blooming in Taylor

April 24, 2014
Rangoli rice design at school for the start of a tournament, Delhi & More roses blooming in Taylor

April 25, 2014
Bamboo crate at home in Delhi &A Buddha statue in an office in Austin

April 26, 2014
Top of the world, okay, globe, at home in Delhi & Shopping with friends in Round Rock for a new "sucker fish" for the aquarium

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